Over the years we have supported many local and nationwide charities such as NI Chest, Heart & Stroke, Marie Curie, Mates in Mind, NI Air Ambulance, Bowel Cancer UK, Cash for kids to name but a few. Members of staff have completed Fun Runs, Sponsored walks, Christmas Jumper days, Swimathons and Marathons to both raise funds but also raise the profiles of these charities while improving our own health and wellbeing through participation in such events.
One such event was for Mates in Mind through participation in Omagh Half Marathon / 5K Fun Run. Competition was fierce among staff with participants aiming for personal bests on the run up to the event. It is evident that participation in sporting activities develops good endorphins and this was felt during training sessions. Although some individuals where aiming for fast times it was the Team Spirit and positivity that everyone found beneficial leading up to and during the event.